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Dear John...

Dear [insert name of active Witness], First and foremost, I want you to know that I love you. In fact, if not for that love, I would not b...

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Please forgive spelling errors... this is copied right from a FB chat...

Mom: I saw your post as ex-JW. I already figured
it out but needed it confirmed. Good bye to the
son I've always loved. I still hope to have some
contact with my granddaughter. I've missed not
ever getting to know her.

Me: Can I ask you a question?

What is it?

Truthfully, I don't have any single question. There
are so many... but if I must start with one, how was
1914 determined?

I mean, I know how you think it was determined...
but you may be surprised how it actually was...

The best way to answer is give you this link
and let you research it yourself. (Link). I think
you've research a lot of negatives about what we
believe. How about looking at why we believe it.
Chapter 5 might answer your question you sent
to dad in an email. He actually researched your
question but it came from an older publication.
You can download this book if your really wanting
an answer and not just looking for more reason
to disbelieve. Apostates use some truth mixed
with a lot of lies. That's what makes them so
believable. Satan used the same tactic wth Eve.
Most of what he told her was true except that she
'positively will not die.'


Everything I believe about what you believe comes
right from the societies own publications... I'm asking
you, mom, what you know about how your religion
was founded. I pick 1914 because it is the foundation of
Everything you believe about the provenance of
Jehovah's organization.

It is THAT important.

The Bible is our foundation. The kingdom and
the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty is
the main theme of the Bible. If you want the
TRUTH read the book and check the scriptures.
I'm already convinced that the kingdom is real
and will soon rule over the earth. And have held
that conviction for over 55 years. I guess we've
said everything we need to say. Any future
conversation would be futile. You've sided with
Apostates so any contact in the future will be
only in case of an emergency. Just know that
we've always loved you and we always will.

I understand that this makes you very emotional.
However, all I'm asking for is an open and reasoned
discussion about what you believe. In the previous
message you have retreated into religious defense based
strictly on faith. All I would like to do is discuss
published, verifiable, and immutable fact.
Can we do that?

If your position is the truth, then you have nothing to fear.

I'm waiting to see the doctor. Now is not a good
 time. It's not fear that keeps me from having a
discussion on the subject it's that I already know
that you won't accept any scriptural evidence we might give.

I'm open to scriptural evidence that corresponds
with historical, and scientific evidence. The bible, as 
a historical document, should be well supported, 
should it not?

Are you going to check the evidence I provided
in the link You want me to hear your side but
you're not willing to offer me the same courtesy.
Why have a long debate? Listening to Apostasy
is a waste of time and would make me disloyal to
my God Jehovah. Goodbye Son

I'll read it. Sure. I've already read it in the search
for impartial truth, but I'm willing to again. Are you
willing to hear facts that are inconvenient, but no
less true?

You see, you're already of the opinion that I am closed
minded. You have no interest in what I have to say. You
assume that everything I am going to say is to break you
down. But my only interest in learning any of this was to
help the ones I love.

You can't fix what ain't broke. Time will tell
 which of us followed the right path.
They'll be calling me soon. Did you know
 of dad's fall off a roof Sept 2015? 3 fracture
 in the pelvis. Irreparable torn rotator cuff
 in left shoulder that's left his left arm mostly
 unusable. Only option he has to regain some
 use is reverse shoulder replacement. I will
 eventually need knee replacement. I have
 to use a cane most of the time. Thought you
 might be interested in our physical status.

Of course I'm interested.

Got to go

You didn't raise a heartless boy. Nor did you raise a fool.
 I'm sorry that you think so little of me that you would 
dismiss me without the benefit of doubt...

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